
How does membership help you?


We believe in a strong Albertan industry and we are here to make an impact on your business.

Step One

Join the Fun

Take part in our networking events to make beneficial connections

Step Two

Stay Informed

Regular technical bulletins and newsletters are delivered to your inbox

Step Three

Elevate Your Business

Make decisions based on industry trends and information

Become a member today!

The Alberta Wall & Ceiling Association’s membership includes those companies exemplifying the highest standards within our industry including contractors, distributors, manufacturers and associates related directly to the Wall & Ceiling industry in Alberta.

Our aim is to ensure a stable, ongoing industry with the highest possible principles and standards.

Membership supports the Wall & Ceiling industry and comes with these benefits!


Membership provides the best and quickest access to industry expertise, regulatory changes, and industry trends.

Training & Education

Joining now gives access to training and practice exams. Lunch & Learn events continually explore new topics and industry issues.

Members also receive invitations to AWCA events that earn educational points.

Exchanging Ideas

Think you know how to improve the industry? Become a Member, join an AWCA committee and help steer the future.

The AWCA provides a trusted environment where people come together to share ideas, strengthen ties, and collaborate.


The AWCA is filled with potential contacts, clients, and partners who can help move your business to the next level.

Increase the number of people from all size businesses and sectors in your industry you can rely on for advice in a safe, friendly, cooperative environment.


The AWCA works to reduce a skills and labour shortage by partnering with private and government funded agencies to promote Lather ISM as a career path.

Members have access to this partnership in many forms including meeting potential apprentices.


Membership in the AWCA provides an endorsement of credibility to new customers that haven’t already experienced your work.

The AWCA’s code of conduct adds security for customers that a non-member cannot offer.


The AWCA advocates with Government on behalf of it’s members.

The combined resources and voice of the association is used to advance and protect the industry more than any individual Member can achieve.

Best Practices

In addition to training and advice, the AWCA offers independent third-party expertise and conflict resolution.

Peer and site reviews can be instrumental in achieving a shared understanding of expectations and quality standards.

Apprenticeship Support

Increase technical knowledge and elevate your employees through detailed exam prep materials.

Connect with new apprenticeships and increase your workforce.